So, you’ve booked collection 3 which includes a pre-wed shoot, and you’ve come here to find out what on earth it even is! I mean, first of all, you might know it better as an β€˜engagement shoot’.

The reason we don’t personally refer to it as this, is because it’s not necessarily there just to capture the fact you’ve got new shiny rings (unless they cost a fortune, then obviously the shoot is about the rings, and the rings only). 

Obligatory ring shot before we continue.

Throwing it back with this shot of Katie & Gary.

So yes, pre-wed’s exist to have something to post over socials of you guys looking like you do in fact like each other; despite the many arguments before even arriving to the shoot about what you’re going to wear and the fact that β€˜he never smiles properly’. Sure, it’s also nice to show off those shiny rings and to have photographic evidence of how it felt to finally get that ring on your finger after you’d just come to terms with the fact he was probably never going to propose.

β€œhe never smiles properly in pictures”
β€” every bride, ever

However, the main reason we offer these shoots are for you to get a real feel of how it feels to be behind our lens. I say β€˜our lens’, because every photographer is very different, and it’s super important that you get an understanding of how we work. I know everyone will try and sell this to you, but I can hand on heart say that our photography style really is very relaxed. The idea is to be capturing the day as it unveils, and every moment that comes with that, with obviously some form of direction and structure from us at times! 

On your wedding day we will disappear for a little while to capture your couple shots, this is basically what the pre-wed will replicate. Lots of walking, laughing… and the odd quick smooch of course. Most of the time we really try to avoid posey set ups and just capture things naturally… unless of course you want some real posed bits; anything for a new portfolio shot! ;)

The lovely Laura and Bob - spring 2022.

Now being behind the lens for a whole day (even if you’re sat there thinking you love your picture being taken) can be quite daunting, because for most people it really isn’t the β€˜norm’. This is where a pre-wed is perfect, it’ll really put your mind at ease about how we work prior to the big day. So no matter how scary it may seem for most of you reading this, after this pre-wed session I can guarantee that you will leave the shoot with a sigh of relief, and then you can put your ball of nerves about β€˜not being photogenic enough’ in the bin.

So, you’ve had a coffee and a chat at the studio with us, you’ve then done 30 mins of walking around a pretty garden (if you choose to wear heels, don’t come moaning to me, it’s all practice for the big day remember ;)), and hopefully by this point you’ll have warmed up to the idea of me following you around with huge cameras. Then you just need to wait a week or so to have your final edits delivered. 

Wearing heels and walking across grass is a talent… trust me.

Depending on whether you were super awkward and weird at the beginning of your shoot, or you just cracked on with being a normal person, will determine how many pictures you get - but it’s usually around 100. 

The gallery you receive will give you an idea of how you’ll look on your big day, just obviously without the extravagant dress. You can also take notes of what to and what NOT to do on your big day, and if there’s certain things you don’t like the look of from your pre-wed shoot - let us know if it’s anything we’ve done, but it’s usually your fault for being an ugly laugher.

Just kidding… kind of? 

For those of you who hate reading, and just want to see some examples of a pre-wed shoot… Here’s a snippet from Abi & Samson earlier this year.


